Gospel Bindings

Typically, the Gospel is publicly read only by a priest or bishop, although other Bible passages may be read by a designated lay person. Or the Gospel is read by a deacon after a priest or bishop gives him benediction. As in other churches, all stand while the Gospel is being read. Also, the Gospel book is normally kept in a prominent place on the altar. The only thing that is permitted to occupy its place on the altar is the Body and Blood of Christ during the Divine Liturgy, or on certain feast days a Cross. When the Gospel is read, it is brought from the altar to the nave in procession, and afterwards returned to its place. The daily reading is determined according to the annual liturgy calendar, but on a feast day some appropriate part is read in addition to or in place of the part dictated by the regular reading order. The cycle of reading order begins in the Pascha (Easter) with the Gospel of John. In the Matins of Sunday service, after the reading of Gospel by the priest, the faithful kiss the Bible and the Cross and then receive the benediction from the priest.