Holy Communion is one of the most important rites in the Christian Church. This rite aims to sanctify the Holy Gifts in full accordance with the Orthodox, Christian tradition. And that is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
The meaning of the Eucharist is the possibility of man's relationship with God with the help of the God-man who came to earth for salvation and reconciliation for all our sins - through Jesus Christ. That is why it is necessary to taste the Body and Blood of Christ in order for the mystery of the Eucharist to take place properly.
In the Orthodox Church, this ceremony can only be performed by a priest or a bishop. The Eucharist is served only within the walls of the church, but in some cases it is possible to deviate from the rules and perform the ceremony in other places.
It is also interesting that a Christian cannot receive communion without confession. In advance, he must confess to a priest and after that he can receive the Body and Blood of Christ.