Reliquary cross of Father Dositej, Zica Monastery

Дарохранилица од сребрног филиграна коју је наручио Отац Доситеј (ман.Жича) од призренских мајстора у првој половини XX века. Израђена је од претопљених сребрњака Краља Петра И.


Due to soiling and missing parts, restoration and cleaning was undertaken. The painting on the wood was in an irreparably bad condition, and considering that it does not have any greater value, it was remade by the sisters from the icon painting workshop of the Žiče monastery. The cross at the top of the left palmette is missing, the crown at the top of the almshouse is deformed and glued with wax, the base frame and the left arm of the cross have been soldered in several places. The weight of silver before restoration is 1425.96 gr.


Above all, it was necessary to remove the layer of grease and corrosion caused by the chemical reaction with the pigments from the icon painting, using the technique of multi-phase and gradual burning with an open flame. Mechanical cleaning with brass brushes was applied in between.

When visible traces of grease and corrosion were removed, the cross fitting was immersed in acid for 24 hours and then washed with a mild soap solution to remove acid residues. After the chemical treatment, additional mechanical cleaning with brass brushes was performed, and then the entire object was heated to a red glow in order to stabilize the material and restore the original crystal structure of the silver.

The missing part was made of silver of the same fineness - 950: the cross on the crown of the left palmette, then the soldered parts, the crown on the cross, the left arm of the cross, decorative twisted threads around the cross, the pedestal in several places. All new parts are installed using the silver soldering technique.

After completion, the silver cross fittings were dipped in acid to remove traces of oxide from the lot, then cleaned, polished and passivated to delay the silver corrosion and patination process. In the end, it was placed again on a wooden base, on which the icon painting was done anew.


silver 925, corals.


filigree, granulation, egg tempera icon-writing. (Sister Makrina, Zica Monastery - 2006.).


42x25x12 cm.


1425,96 gr.


first half of XX century, restoration and conservation 2006.

Commissioned by:

Father Gerasim, Archimandrite of Zica Monastery.

In possession of:

Zica Monastery.
#!трпст#трп-геттеxт дата-трпгеттеxторигинал=4271#!трпен#Униqуе ИД#!трпст#/трп-геттеxт#!трпен# РК001 #!трпст#трп-геттеxт дата-трпгеттеxторигинал=4272#!трпен#Цатегорy:#!трпст#/трп-геттеxт#!трпен#


#!трпст#трп-геттеxт дата-трпгеттеxторигинал=6588#!трпен#Ревиеwс#!трпст#/трп-геттеxт#!трпен#

#!трпст#трп-геттеxт дата-трпгеттеxторигинал=4672#!трпен#Бе тхе фирст то ревиеw “Дарохранилица Оца Доситеја, манастир Жича”#!трпст#/трп-геттеxт#!трпен#

#!трпст#трп-геттеxт дата-трпгеттеxторигинал=4335#!трпен#Yоур емаил аддресс wилл нот бе публисхед.#!трпст#/трп-геттеxт#!трпен# #!трпст#трп-геттеxт дата-трпгеттеxторигинал=4327#!трпен#Реqуиред фиелдс аре маркед *#!трпст#/трп-геттеxт#!трпен#